Do you know about Japanese delivery meal service?
In this article, I will introduce "oisix," the most well-known meal delivery service in Japan.
Ingredients provided by Oisix are mostly organic, and you can trust the safety of their food.
It is also attractive that you can order "seasonal" foods from all over Japan.
There are two types of courses: a "regular delivery" that delivers at a fixed day and time, and a "buy-as-you-need" course that allows you to order only when you want it.
Would you like to try a trial set?
You can try a trial set of 7,900 yen worth of products for 1,980 yen.
(Contents change every week)
※ One meal kit in the trial set is for 2 servings.
It is a one-time trial, so if you don't like it, that's it. You don't need to worry about canceling the service or anything.
If you like it, you can sign up for the "regular delivery" or use the "buy-as-you-need" service.
Click ↓↓ to visit the official site.
Meal Kits of Oisix
With Oisix, you can not only buy a variety of foods individually, but you can also purchase meal kits, which means you don't have to think about your daily menu or go shopping.
You can choose a meal kit from
①"ぱっと Oisix," which can be prepared in less than 10 minutes,
②"きっと Oisix," which takes about 15 minutes to prepare, or
③"ちゃんと Oisix," which delivers only the ingredients and allows you to make meals from scratch.
Here are the pictures of how it is delivered and what I have cooked with their kits.

【ぱっとOisix, 10 minutes】

Fish is simply warmed in hot water
Vegetables are cooked in the microwave

【Kit Oisix, 15minutes】

Recipe included

\ See more meal delivery services in Japan /
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"nosh" is more reasonablly priced frozen bento delivery service.
Click ↓↓ to see details.

Do you like cooking and looking for a service that provide you ingredients and recipes kids enjoy?
Then, check "あおいの給食室"
\ Click here ↓↓ to visit the official site /
\ For more detail of あおいの給食室, read this article with google translate /
気になっていた あおいの給食「魔法のミールキット」を実際に使ってみました! ミールキットは多少カット野菜があるものの、手作りですので、あまり時短にはなりません。 しかし、買い物 と 献立を考える とい ...
How to sign up for Oisix
In order to try a trial set of Oisix, you need to register your information.
(You will use the same email address and password if you decide to continute the service)
Follow step-by-step instructions in the below article to sign up and get a trial set.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Registering for Oisix: Your Complete Meal Solution
Are you interested in a Japanese delivery meal service? Here is a step by step instruction on how to ...
Sign up for a "regular delivery"
If you like and decide to continue the service, one way is to sign up for the "regular delivery".
( You can order food on "as you need".)
If you sign up within a week of the delivery of your trial set, you will get a greal deal.
Here is the reason why I signed up for the "regular delivery" service.
Join Oisix Regular Delivery and Simplify Your Grocery Shopping: Here's How
In this article I will tell you why I joined Oisix after purchasing a trial set. If you join Oisix w ...
\ Don't miss the opportunity to get a trial set /